"Where words fail, music speaks."
-Hans Christian Anderson

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

STS Vol. 39: 10 Songs From 10 Artists From 10 Songs From 10 Shooters

1. Arena - Daft Punk (Thanks, Sparktank)
2. Above - Blue Man Group (Thanks, Chocolate Misu)
3. White Devil - Keiki Kobayashi (Thanks, Aden)
4. A Tap Dancer’s Dilemma - Diablo Swing Orchestra (Thanks, Cuckoo)
5. Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance (Thanks, Neg)
6. 19-2000 - Gorillaz (Thanks, IU)
7. The Trooper - Iron Maiden (Thanks, Docrate1)
8. Jungle Fever - Kazumi Totaka (Thanks, Tom)
9. Detachable Penis - King Missile (Thanks, Marceline)
10. The Outdoor Type - The Lemonheads (Thanks, Dr. Faustus)
Download Link

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to put some Blue Man Group on mine too.

    Didn't know if I should credit it to CM or IU. In the end I picked other artists.

    Glad someone else likes Diablo. :D Should have known. You're fond of Squirrel Nuts & The Crescent City Maulers who can also really get your feet a tappin' in that zoot suit.
